Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Spring Wedding!

Oh, how I love a pretty spring wedding! Really I've only been to one! But, this one was awesome! We went to my bff,Mercy's big sister Sarah's wedding like I said in my last post.It was SO pretty! (I would have posted some pictures but I don't have any!)Mercy did really good and looked really pretty. Some of my other good friends were flower girls! Mercy's little sister Liz was a flower girl and she is 11! Anyway, Sarah looked sooooo pretty!Daddy has known Sarah since she was 4! He teased and said, "Who's that little girl in the wedding dress?" Ha-ha-ha,that's all for today bye!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Going back to Kentucky!

For a wedding, that is! I'm so HAPPY! We are going to Kentucky for 3 days ya-ho I can't wait! I get to see everyone! Jeremiah is looking forward to seeing his best bud!(So am I!) Mercy is going to be a brides maid in her big sister, Sarah's wedding. She is really nervous, but I know she'll do fine. I also get to see my other best friend, Hannah. And all of my other friends too! This weekend will rock!