Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Hello there!!!
How's everyone this fine day?
I'm doing good!Jeremiah and I are plowing through school today!
I've found even tho I hate getting up early,I feel so much more like me after I do!
So I suppose it's a "love,hate"kinda thing!Haha.I went to Sammy's younger siblings Nick,and Erin's first cross country meet!Erin got 4th place,I don't know what place Nick got,and either does he!Lol.
But they did really well!I was proud of them!So was Sammy,but I will say Cross Country  is one of the most boring sports to watch!!!I now know how Daddy feels at swim meets!!!
I'm so sorry Daddy!!!Lol.I will forever more respect swim/cross country parents!!!!



Lol,Well it's lunch time!!!


Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Half And Half

Hey there!!!
How are all the lovely people today?
I'm doing alright.So my post is about swimmer's out of the pool.
People are so used to seeing them as swimmer's they forget they are normal people!

Strange to see right?Missy Franklin is the most dramatic to me,she had to go back to school!!!
I think it would kinda stink to go from Olympic's to high school!Haha.

Emily Grace Cangelosi

Monday, August 27, 2012

Superhero's,Swimming,and Soccer.

Hello the family member's,and other people who read my little blog.
I hope all of you days are going well!Mine is!!!Well other than the fact that it is Monday,and that means getting up early,and that stupid Monday shower.You know the one were u just stand the trying not to fall asleep?I hate those!Like this poor dude!!!Haha:D
Yesterday Mom,and Dad went clothes shopping,Jeremiah,and I babysat all of the younger kids.
Joshua,Bethany,Jonny,and Me all played superhero's.While blasting music on Pandora!It was actually very fun!Then afterwards Sammy,and I went Swimming.It was the last day yesterday!:( We're pretty sad about that,that's were most of out summer happened!!!But on the bright side I get to go fall shopping!!!Yay!!!

Bethany had her first Soccer game Saturday!Her team won,by one point!!!I was so happy for her!

I don't have any pictures at the moment but I'll post some later!!!
Mama,and I were talking on fall cloths,and I think I've decided what style I'd like to get...
So here it is!!




Well I must go and work out,Goodbye for now.