Hello Everyone!!!
I hope you have all been well!I have been good!Swim ended for me last Sunday...So needless to say I am having a difficult time trying to figure out what to do with myself.I already miss all of my friends...It's is so strange to not see them all the time.I suppose a good way to describe how I feel about all of it is:Don't cry because it's over,rejoice because it happened...We have our banquet on the 12th of march.I am already counting down the days.
I have already started working towards next year...I really dislike the off season because you have to make sure you are not lazy. Isn't that simply horrid?I think it is...Not really.But I do wish Swim was actually all year around!It would make me so happy!!!!Bethany is going to be swimming on my summer team with me this year!It will be so fun!!!I can't wait!!!Yesterday Mom and I went to a bookstore to find Daddy a book,but Jeremiah and I went off adventuring.(It was just Jeremiah,Jude,Mom and Myself at the store.)It was a very cool place!They not only had books,they had movies,games and best of all a lot music stuff.They had old records and cd' s.As well as headphones.Which I have been in need of. So I found the ones that were simply calling me..Not really.Headphones can't call you..Oh I make myself laugh.Just kidding.But anyways the ones I settled on have Elvis on them,and are pretty awesome.Jeremiah thought the box was cool for some reason?He has come into my room more than once today an picked it up,I guess he likes it because it has magnets in it?But I am really not sure...
Well I must be getting back to School...Thank you for reading!!!I hope you enjoyed it!!!-Emily Grace Cangelosi
I love Swimming,Music,and Art. I live in a big family and love playing with my brothers and sister. I love Jesus!
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Saturday, February 2, 2013
Twenty | One | Pilots
Dearest people,
What I'm about to share with you will make you a better person.Just kidding,but it will hopefully make you smile.
Thursday night...That is the night all of my counting down,and being a silly ecstatic girl payed off.I finally got to go to the Twenty One Pilots concert!!!! It was so AMAZING!!!!Two bands played before them and were very good,but you could feel it in the room everyone was waiting for Twenty One Pilots.Finally after an hour and a half we heard Ode To Sleep start,first Josh came out.Cheers erupt from ever part of the room.He starts pounding on the drums.Then out of nowhere Tyler jumps onto his piano!We all cheer.He starts to sing,we all follow along.At the top of our lungs mind you.Sammy is gripping my arm and yelling something like, "Oh my Gosh,I'm soooooo HAPPPPPYYY!!!"I am too.Once Ode To Sleep has sadly come to an end Tyler sands at his microphone and says the simple words that make everyone cheer."How's everyone in Bowling Green tonight?"He continues to tell us how the first time he played this venue there was only three men,and after he played one of them told him that he hated him.So he was relieved when he saw us,and we cheered instead of booing.This makes more cheers erupt.After a few more songs and words from Tyler everyone is sweaty and having a blast.He tells us if we're going through anything then he wants to help us through it,and that nobody is ever going through something alone.He reminds everyone God is there for all of us no matter how bad things seem.At one point he says,"I know my voice is weird, and Josh and my style of music is weird.So thank you for liking weird music!"Then a guy yells "Lets get weird!"really loud.Tyler laughs,and says "No,we're not going to get weird."Then bends down and reaches into the crowd."I just got handed a flower made out of paper,by a dude."We all laugh,then it continues.At around 10:45 they say goodbye,but promise to come meet us in an hour or so if we'll wait.I mean if we're nice enough to wait around and meet our favorite band...If we must.(;
Sammy and I were sitting at a table while waiting and low and behold who walks in the back door,right next to us?Only Tyler and Josh.They see us wearing our homemade sweatshirts and smile.Tyler walks over to us Josh right behind him,"Nice sweatshirts guys,we love it when you guys are creative like that.Did you add sparkles?"We both manage to answer and grin like idiots I'm sure. After that we wait in line for maybe half and hour then we are finally standing in front of them.After giving us hugs and signing our shirts,sweatshirt,Sam's IPod and it's case they take a picture(s) with us then talk to us.Josh tells me I have awesome hair,and that it looks like his only not in a Mohawk.
Then Tyler asks if we like the show,Sam say yes,it was the best concert she's ever been to.Then Tyler turns to me,"You didn't think it was the best concert you've ever been to?"he asks with a laugh." it's the first concert I've ever been to,but it was amazing!"I answer. He laughs,"You guys have to promise me you'll come to another one."he tells us.We promise(as if he could keep us away(; )
Then we say goodbye.When we get back to hotel Sammy and I stay up till 3 talking and laughing and being happy.It was such a great night! I'll never forget my first concert!And can't wait Till the next one!
Thanks for reading!
Emily Cangelosi.
What I'm about to share with you will make you a better person.Just kidding,but it will hopefully make you smile.
Thursday night...That is the night all of my counting down,and being a silly ecstatic girl payed off.I finally got to go to the Twenty One Pilots concert!!!! It was so AMAZING!!!!Two bands played before them and were very good,but you could feel it in the room everyone was waiting for Twenty One Pilots.Finally after an hour and a half we heard Ode To Sleep start,first Josh came out.Cheers erupt from ever part of the room.He starts pounding on the drums.Then out of nowhere Tyler jumps onto his piano!We all cheer.He starts to sing,we all follow along.At the top of our lungs mind you.Sammy is gripping my arm and yelling something like, "Oh my Gosh,I'm soooooo HAPPPPPYYY!!!"I am too.Once Ode To Sleep has sadly come to an end Tyler sands at his microphone and says the simple words that make everyone cheer."How's everyone in Bowling Green tonight?"He continues to tell us how the first time he played this venue there was only three men,and after he played one of them told him that he hated him.So he was relieved when he saw us,and we cheered instead of booing.This makes more cheers erupt.After a few more songs and words from Tyler everyone is sweaty and having a blast.He tells us if we're going through anything then he wants to help us through it,and that nobody is ever going through something alone.He reminds everyone God is there for all of us no matter how bad things seem.At one point he says,"I know my voice is weird, and Josh and my style of music is weird.So thank you for liking weird music!"Then a guy yells "Lets get weird!"really loud.Tyler laughs,and says "No,we're not going to get weird."Then bends down and reaches into the crowd."I just got handed a flower made out of paper,by a dude."We all laugh,then it continues.At around 10:45 they say goodbye,but promise to come meet us in an hour or so if we'll wait.I mean if we're nice enough to wait around and meet our favorite band...If we must.(;
Sammy and I were sitting at a table while waiting and low and behold who walks in the back door,right next to us?Only Tyler and Josh.They see us wearing our homemade sweatshirts and smile.Tyler walks over to us Josh right behind him,"Nice sweatshirts guys,we love it when you guys are creative like that.Did you add sparkles?"We both manage to answer and grin like idiots I'm sure. After that we wait in line for maybe half and hour then we are finally standing in front of them.After giving us hugs and signing our shirts,sweatshirt,Sam's IPod and it's case they take a picture(s) with us then talk to us.Josh tells me I have awesome hair,and that it looks like his only not in a Mohawk.
Then Tyler asks if we like the show,Sam say yes,it was the best concert she's ever been to.Then Tyler turns to me,"You didn't think it was the best concert you've ever been to?"he asks with a laugh." it's the first concert I've ever been to,but it was amazing!"I answer. He laughs,"You guys have to promise me you'll come to another one."he tells us.We promise(as if he could keep us away(; )
Then we say goodbye.When we get back to hotel Sammy and I stay up till 3 talking and laughing and being happy.It was such a great night! I'll never forget my first concert!And can't wait Till the next one!
Thanks for reading!
Emily Cangelosi.
Friday, January 25, 2013
Theses bodies...
Hello there!
How has everyone been? I've been well!
Very,very busy but well!
I'm writing this from my iPod, I was thrilled when I found a Blogger app!
Maybe I'll keep up with this a little better now...
This morning I woke up to a very sweet text from my dear friend Mercy.
At the end she shared this verse:"For I am the Lord,your God,who takes hold of your right hand and says to you"Do not fear;I will help you." I was blessed,because it's true.He will help you.He is there for you when others are not,he always has been and always will be.
My goal this year is to be closer to him than I was last year.This is one goal I'm excited about putting the work in for.
I catch myself often wish I were closer to him,but I've come to see I can't just expect it to be like;BAAAMMMM!!!!Your now close to God and the best Christian daughter in the world.I have to work at it,and will for the rest of my life.
Some people say live like you are dying,the truth is we all should.
Not like some people think,they think spend all of your money,party,make bad decisions,and have "fun".Who cares I'm dying,right?Wrong.When I say that I mean glorify
God in everything you do.Live as if your going to have to face judgement tomorrow when you wake up.
Well school is calling me,I'll write soon.
Thank you for reading!
Emily Cangelosi.
How has everyone been? I've been well!
Very,very busy but well!
I'm writing this from my iPod, I was thrilled when I found a Blogger app!
Maybe I'll keep up with this a little better now...
This morning I woke up to a very sweet text from my dear friend Mercy.
At the end she shared this verse:"For I am the Lord,your God,who takes hold of your right hand and says to you"Do not fear;I will help you." I was blessed,because it's true.He will help you.He is there for you when others are not,he always has been and always will be.
My goal this year is to be closer to him than I was last year.This is one goal I'm excited about putting the work in for.
I catch myself often wish I were closer to him,but I've come to see I can't just expect it to be like;BAAAMMMM!!!!Your now close to God and the best Christian daughter in the world.I have to work at it,and will for the rest of my life.
Some people say live like you are dying,the truth is we all should.
Not like some people think,they think spend all of your money,party,make bad decisions,and have "fun".Who cares I'm dying,right?Wrong.When I say that I mean glorify
God in everything you do.Live as if your going to have to face judgement tomorrow when you wake up.
Well school is calling me,I'll write soon.
Thank you for reading!
Emily Cangelosi.
Sunday, January 6, 2013
A Concerts,The Zoo,And Many Basketball Games.
Hello there!
How are my dear friends and family this cold evening?
I'm doing well.
Much has happened in my life lately,good things mind you.
First I must tell you about Christmas,it was amazing!
It was just our family this year,but fun all the same.
I got:
A Speedo bag-From Mom,and Dad.
Head Phones that look like Owls-From Jude.
A Mustache notebook.-From Jon.
Lip Gloss.-From Josh.
An adorable Necklace.- From Jeremiah.
A pair of Jeans.-From Mom,and Dad.
A pair of sweatpants.-From Mom,and Dad.
Eye Shadow,and other make up.-From Mom,and Dad.
And last but not least,Watkins Bows.-From Bethany.
But the best part is I was able to get everyone presents that they liked.
I love watching my siblings,and parents faces.
The pure joy,is enough of a Christmas present for me without a doubt.
I love it! The one day were everyone celebrates the two things I can't live without,Jesus and family.
The sad thing is no one seems to know that you can celebrate theses things on any plain,old day.
Not just December 25th.
My goal is to try and keep the "Christmas Spirit"all year.
Next is New Years.
On New Years Eve I went to Sam's house,with the plan if returning home after a few hours...
But as it turned out Sam called my parents,and convinced them to allow me to stay the night.
I made new friends too!
I got to meet Mitch and Aaron,as well as see a few old friends.(Robyn and Erin,they planned the dance with Sam and I.)
Mitch and Aaron are very nice,and funny.
They go to church with Sam,and are best friends.
They reminded me of a nearly identical(behavior wise.)boy versions of Sam,and Me.
So as I'm sure you guessed their awesome.(;
Next is this week.
On Friday Amy(Sam's Mother,and My second Mom.(; ) texted my mom,she wanted to know if
Jeremiah,Joshua,Bethany,and Myself wanted to go to the Zoo with the Washburn's.
Mom said we would,so we geared up to go.
Then the little boy Mom babysit's went home early,so Mom and the younger kids came along too!
It was very cold,snowy,and a ton of fun!
Afterwards Sam came to swim practice with Me.
Then surprised me with the wonderful news that she would be spending the night!
So needless to say I made a very girly squealing noise, and probably hugged Sam or something of that nature.We stayed up unreasonably late,and laughed so much I now have abs.
The next day I got up early and went to Jeremiah's basketball game...
His team lost,but he played very well.
Later that day he played at our Middle School,his team won!
Sam,Erin(Sam's sister.) and Amy came and watched.
Jeremiah fell and someone stepped on his head!!!!!!!!!
Today he had another game,his team won!
Sam,Erin and Amy came and watched again,and once again Jeremiah got hurt!
This time it was his knee,he skinned it,and it was bleeding.
Erin was convinced she is bad luck,but I reassured her I've never seen him play without getting knocked over,or bruised,or hurt in dome way.
He doesn't mind though he plays hard,so his team will win.
I've never seen him give less than 100%.
I'm very,very,very proud of him.
He's not only an amazing christian young man,but also one of my best friends in the whole world.
Oh gosh now I've gotten all mushy...
And here comes some very exciting news,best brace yourself!!!!
Twenty One Pilots is my favorite band,as well as Sam's.
She told me about the concert on Wednesday night,I was animatedly "dying"to go.
So I talked to Dad about it,he said he'd think about it.
On Friday night,Sam and I played their music for him,and nervously sat waiting for an answer.
Not that we didn't have faith in our guys,their a Christian,so there wasn't anything bad in their songs.
The only worry was that he simply wouldn't like how they sound.
He said YES!!!!
I'll be going down (to Blowing Green Ohio)on Jan 31st with Sam and Amy.
Their also from Ohio,so it's a home town show.

How are my dear friends and family this cold evening?
I'm doing well.
Much has happened in my life lately,good things mind you.
First I must tell you about Christmas,it was amazing!
It was just our family this year,but fun all the same.
I got:
A Speedo bag-From Mom,and Dad.
Head Phones that look like Owls-From Jude.
A Mustache notebook.-From Jon.
Lip Gloss.-From Josh.
An adorable Necklace.- From Jeremiah.
A pair of Jeans.-From Mom,and Dad.
A pair of sweatpants.-From Mom,and Dad.
Eye Shadow,and other make up.-From Mom,and Dad.
And last but not least,Watkins Bows.-From Bethany.
But the best part is I was able to get everyone presents that they liked.
I love watching my siblings,and parents faces.
The pure joy,is enough of a Christmas present for me without a doubt.
I love it! The one day were everyone celebrates the two things I can't live without,Jesus and family.
The sad thing is no one seems to know that you can celebrate theses things on any plain,old day.
Not just December 25th.
My goal is to try and keep the "Christmas Spirit"all year.
Next is New Years.
On New Years Eve I went to Sam's house,with the plan if returning home after a few hours...
But as it turned out Sam called my parents,and convinced them to allow me to stay the night.
I made new friends too!
I got to meet Mitch and Aaron,as well as see a few old friends.(Robyn and Erin,they planned the dance with Sam and I.)
Mitch and Aaron are very nice,and funny.
They go to church with Sam,and are best friends.
They reminded me of a nearly identical(behavior wise.)boy versions of Sam,and Me.
So as I'm sure you guessed their awesome.(;
Next is this week.
On Friday Amy(Sam's Mother,and My second Mom.(; ) texted my mom,she wanted to know if
Jeremiah,Joshua,Bethany,and Myself wanted to go to the Zoo with the Washburn's.
Mom said we would,so we geared up to go.
Then the little boy Mom babysit's went home early,so Mom and the younger kids came along too!
It was very cold,snowy,and a ton of fun!
Afterwards Sam came to swim practice with Me.
Then surprised me with the wonderful news that she would be spending the night!
So needless to say I made a very girly squealing noise, and probably hugged Sam or something of that nature.We stayed up unreasonably late,and laughed so much I now have abs.
The next day I got up early and went to Jeremiah's basketball game...
His team lost,but he played very well.
Later that day he played at our Middle School,his team won!
Sam,Erin(Sam's sister.) and Amy came and watched.
Jeremiah fell and someone stepped on his head!!!!!!!!!
Today he had another game,his team won!
Sam,Erin and Amy came and watched again,and once again Jeremiah got hurt!
This time it was his knee,he skinned it,and it was bleeding.
Erin was convinced she is bad luck,but I reassured her I've never seen him play without getting knocked over,or bruised,or hurt in dome way.
He doesn't mind though he plays hard,so his team will win.
I've never seen him give less than 100%.
I'm very,very,very proud of him.
He's not only an amazing christian young man,but also one of my best friends in the whole world.
Oh gosh now I've gotten all mushy...
And here comes some very exciting news,best brace yourself!!!!
Twenty One Pilots is my favorite band,as well as Sam's.
She told me about the concert on Wednesday night,I was animatedly "dying"to go.
So I talked to Dad about it,he said he'd think about it.
On Friday night,Sam and I played their music for him,and nervously sat waiting for an answer.
Not that we didn't have faith in our guys,their a Christian,so there wasn't anything bad in their songs.
The only worry was that he simply wouldn't like how they sound.
He said YES!!!!
I'll be going down (to Blowing Green Ohio)on Jan 31st with Sam and Amy.
Their also from Ohio,so it's a home town show.
We'll go to the concert that night,then spend the night there,and come back the next day.
I cannot wait!!!
Dad is also,being his awesome self,going to pay for my ticket.
My end of the deal is to be out of debt,I had to buy a phone from Pawpaw.
Jude threw my last one in a toilet...Sweet of him,right?Haha.
I will also try to earn the money for my part of the hotel room.
If I cannot Dad will pay for it,and I will pay him back.
But I'm going to try to earn it so I may show my appreciation for him letting me go.
It blessed me that he trusts me enough to allow me to go,I know that Amy will be there.
But I'm glad he feels I'm mature enough to do this,and trusts me enough to let me go to a concert and stay in a hotel;without him or Mom.
And once again I've become mushy.
Sorry about that.
Well it's late,and I'm very,very tired.
I'll write again soon.
Thank you for reading,Emily Cangelosi.
I cannot wait!!!
Dad is also,being his awesome self,going to pay for my ticket.
My end of the deal is to be out of debt,I had to buy a phone from Pawpaw.
Jude threw my last one in a toilet...Sweet of him,right?Haha.
I will also try to earn the money for my part of the hotel room.
If I cannot Dad will pay for it,and I will pay him back.
But I'm going to try to earn it so I may show my appreciation for him letting me go.
It blessed me that he trusts me enough to allow me to go,I know that Amy will be there.
But I'm glad he feels I'm mature enough to do this,and trusts me enough to let me go to a concert and stay in a hotel;without him or Mom.
And once again I've become mushy.
Sorry about that.
Well it's late,and I'm very,very tired.
I'll write again soon.
Thank you for reading,Emily Cangelosi.
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