An old picture of Bethy,Isn't she cute?
Hi guys!
Nana,and Bri left today.
I'm really gonna miss them.
I already do...:(
I love having them here.
Tomorrow I going birth day shopping for Joshy.
I guess I'm gonna have to start to call him Josh!
He is going to be 8!
I can remember when he was born,like it was yesterday!!!
I really can't believe he is nearly 8!
When I was 8 I thought I was such a big kid!
But to me Josh is still so small...
But I guess he probably thinks he is BIG to!
Wow that's a weird thought.
I have art tomorrow!
Can't wait to see Sam!
It's been like 48 hours!
Wow I thinks that's a record for us!
Not really!
I think we have been 72 hours.
I think.
Have any of you ever Greyson Chance?
If you haven't,then look him up.
If you haven't,then look him up.
He is an amazing singer.
I think him and Royal Tailor are tied for my favorite singers/band.
He actually has real talent.
Most singers/band use synthesizers so much they don't even need talent!!!
So sad...
I'm taller than Bri now!
I'm not bragging...
Okay so I'm kinda bragging...
Fine I'm so bragging.
Happy now?
oxooxoxo Emily oxoxoxoxoxox
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