Monday, November 21, 2011


Hello people,
Who read my blog...
Daddy is still having BIG BACK PROBLEMS,so please PRAY.
I really miss you being up and running Daddy.
So get better please...
See that picture?
That's how I want you to be.:]
I Didn't have Art today.
I didn't now what Day it was yesterday...
So I have it tomorrow.
Do any of you ever see those missing adds,in the paper?
Well I saw one today,and the man on it has been missing scents 1985!
He was 17 when he went missing.
Can you image being his Parents?Or his Siblings?
That would be so horrible!
I feel so bad for them...
I pray one day they find out what happened to him.
I went shopping for Josh today!
It was fun.
Miah went to,he was grumbling the whole time.
Because we were taking o long,then he was hungry!
"SHHHHH.I think he liked it,but don't let him now I said that.
I'll let him be a cool guy for today...
Just today mind you.

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