Happy birthday!
Wow!I can't believe Josh is 8!
Your turning out so good!
I'm just having a hard time realizing your 8!
I still think of you as the Little kid who would wreck my doll house...
But you haven't done that in years.
I was 8 I was Already planning how many kids I was gonna have!
Your not aloud to do any thing like that for 20 years understand?
Good glad we're on the same Page.
But really bud I'm really happy with who your are.
Your not perfect,but your pretty cool.
And your an amazing quart back,and I mean who doesn't love a middle kid?
I now I do...
Not just cause your my brother!!!
Middle kids are AWESOME!
I got Josh a WII game!
It's a hunting game....
It's fun to him,so I guess that's what matters.
Tonight we are having pizza,and just having fun.
I love birthdays.
(Especially mine!)
Daddy is getting better,he went to work today and yesterday!
I'm so happy he can walk again!
I'm praying we don't gave this problem again!
Well thanks all for today...
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